The team's journey continues around the stunning shores of Devon and Cornwall.
Nick Crane is on a fishing expedition on board one of the last remaining Brixham trawlers -
the beautiful sailing boats built in Devon over a hundred years ago that gave birth to fishing on an industrial scale.
On his trip back in time aboard the Brixham boat, Nick discovers why the trawlermen of today have to work 17 times harder
to land the same catch as their counterparts did around a hundred years ago.
He also explores how Henry VIII, fearing attack after his famous divorce,
built a string of cleverly positioned forts all along the south coast to keep countries loyal to the Pope at bay.
Testing his sea legs to the limit, Nick then embarks on one of the greatest voyages in British waters -
an exhilarating ferry ride taking on the full force of the Atlantic out to the Isles of Scilly some 30 miles off Land's End.
Dick Strawbridge learns the surprising secrets of the global steam power revolution pioneered in the tin mines of Cornwall
some 200 years ago. Dick rides on the 'Puffing Devil', invented by brilliant Cornish engineer Richard Trevithick,
this high pressure steam engine on wheels was the world's first passenger pulling self-propelled vehicle.
With the aid of some big wind machines, Alice Roberts creates her own 'Perfect Storm' inside a swimming pool
to discover how wild weather far out in the ocean generates the rhythmic regular waves that travel a thousand miles to crash against our shores.
Off the Cornish coast, Alice also ventures out into the pounding surf to get some expert tips on how to capture a big breaking wave on camera.